For Neodymium and Rare Earth Magnets, Hook | Eyebolt Magnets and AlNiCo | Ceramics magnets,
the laminated adhesive material is 3M 9448A | 3M467MP | 3M468MP | 3M 300LSE |3M VHB Tape |3M Лента из пенополиэтилена .
Normally, it’s a round and rectangular in shape.
Round : diameter 30mm | 25mm|15mm|12mm |10mm
Rectangle: 100mm x 10mm|50mm x 16mm|50mm x 6mm|40mm x 20mm| 20mm x 6mm
Its specific gravity ranges from 0.7 to 1.2.
For Soft Magnetic Strips and Sheets which apply to the Frame, Whiteboard, and DIY industry, the Laminated adhesive is 3M VHB tape|3M 9448A|Normal double-sided Adhesive tape.
We also can die-cutting Лента 3М such as 3M 4930 | 3M 5952 for Sandwich ceramic Magnetic Assemblies. which apply to motors, speakers, automotive applications, and refrigerators.
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